We have an excellent reputation and rapport with parents and professionals and provide a timely, proficient manner with cases we deal with . We are able to meet service level needs to tight deadlines and court hearings upon request .
Our presence is not only our website and social media platform but we receive referrals via word of mouth . We work with court teams , barristers, family solicitors, IIndependant social workers and guardians , social services , early start workers ,, Mental health advocates , family support workers , teachers, SEN coordinators , Advance charity , Victim support , clinical psychologists, Therapeutic services, CAHMS , family therapists , counsellors , probation , disabilities teams across pan London.
Secure platform to send referrals or upload and automated reply Thanyou for your interest in PU services we will be in contact within 7-14 days and sends welcome pack : referral ,costing and leaflet .Meanwhile if you have any further questions, please login into your portal and leave a message .?