If you’ve got any questions or would like to find out more about ParentingU, feel free to contact us.

Court Case

Sometimes, life can become very difficult and we struggle parenting our children, we may have developed mental health, experienced violence -abuse, have a disability or just not managing with a child/ren with complex  disabilities, We may cross over our culture and beliefs  of raising our children and find it a challenge to create that balance, we may have come recently into the UK and adopted our own parenting practices or be oblivious  and question ourselves “Why was our child/ren  taken into care or up for adoption ?”Either way, we are left with a range of difficult emotions: confused, disappointed, scared, lonely, at a loss, tearful and often feeling it’s unfair this has happened.

However, the legal and statutory services set up in the UK always have the interests of the child at heart.

They have a statutory duty of care to cooperate to safeguard and promote the welfare of the child from violence, exploitation, abuse and neglect. Article 10 of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child provides for the protection of children in and out of their homes

It also places a duty on a local authority of what they must do when it has reasonable cause to suspect that a child in its area is suffering or is likely to suffer significant harm. They have a duty to provide a range of services appropriate to children’s needs.

Our offer

ParentingU are set up to guide all families to seek that knowledge and work together with services to help make that awareness and change. We offer innovative services and packages to local authorities pan London for families who are either on a child protection plan, undergoing court order and care proceedings, or in the process of criminal court procedures.

We can provide comprehensive proposals and parenting assessments either to assist social workers or ( ISW) Independent social workers. Alternatively, a social worker from our team can also be assigned to carry out a parenting assessment to determine parents ability and capacity to provide good enough care for their children.

Our caseworker package


Personalised Package

Further help and resources

Delivery and resources in home language
