Parents are the first educators, and the child’s future depends not just on the educators, but also from the parents input in their child’s development.

Being a parent is the most challenging and important job there is! We believe every parent experience difficulties and issues in life and there is no set manual that comes with instructions on how to raise your children in the forever changing society today. There is no such thing as a perfect parent or a child.

We set up ParentingU so that some things can be done to make parenting less stressful and more rewarding for all communities. We give time and great importance in getting to know families and our work with parents is underpinned by the belief that all parents have a vital role to play as their child’s first primary educators. We believe that children achieve more and become happier when everyone works together to develop children’s independence, self-esteem, confidence and emotional well-being.


We work to empower families and improve family lives. Ensuring all have the opportunity to participate in and influence the issues affecting their societies.


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Our Aims

  • To empower and support families
  • To encourage and advocate for families
  • To increase emotional wellbeing
  • To increase knowledge of Safeguarding

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  • ParentingU objective is to ensure that all members, in particular the Muslim ,South Asian and BAME communities, and those who are affiliated with the customs and religious background of these communities, are informed about positive parenting practices in the UK and worldwide

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We deliver educational parent programmes and tailor-made bespoke programmes

All our programs and services can be tailored to suit clients and service user’s needs. This can be done virtually online, face to face, group-based or via 1:1 intervention.
For Families who require case working, we carry out comprehensive assessments, plans and provide meticulous feedback reports.

If you’ve got any questions or would like to find out more about ParentingU, please feel free to contact us.


Read what our clients are saying

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