If you’ve got any questions or would like to find out more about ParentingU, feel free to contact us.


Re-establishing relationships after being returned home from a long period in care is an upheaval and change for both the child and their family. As professionals, we assess and support the settling in the process by providing a plan and organise for the reunification to ensure everyone feels safe and secure. During and after the return areas we focus upon in our plans are:

Settling back home

Emotional availability to the young child or teenager is at the heart of our service. Children who have experienced adversity due to separation present a range of emotions that need to be dealt with first.


We conduct a family assessment and identify the needs of all at the start of the process. We look at the parent’s capacity to help bring about change to settle.

Family planning

We open lines of communication and look at areas of strengths and weakness to support the process -this is then drawn up into a plan for us to work towards.

Family bonds

The purpose is to build a fuller picture of the family’s present situation.
