Special Education Needs & Disabilities

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Special Education Needs & Disabilities

SEND/SEN stands for Special Educational Needs/Special Educational Needs and Disabilities. A child is considered to have Special Educational Needs if they are finding it harder than other children to make progress. This may be due to a specific learning difficulty, a disability such as physical emotional, sensory, behavioural, developmental, social difficulties, or speech and language difficulties. Some children will receive support for a brief time, others may do for the rest of their life Schools have an SEN register that records all SEND pupils, and schools are expected to follow the progress of these pupils carefully.

Children with SEN are likely to need extra or different support from that given to other children of their age. We work with families who have a variety of SEN and disabilities and support them within their home, signpost them to services, advocate and help them to understand the needs of their child/ren and how best to support them through our language-based workshops, support services and programmes.
