Parenting programmes

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Our programmes and workshops

Programmes are planned carefully for families and children we work with.: To develop, and promote personal growth, motivation, development, and creativity to reach their goals

 All facilitators are qualified and trained parenting practitioners who have completed the family links training and other programmes we deliver. They are professionals from all different backgrounds with many years’ experience working with families and children.

All parent programmes are accredited and carry quality mark.

ParentingU provide a variety of parenting programmes to schools, services, Local authorities pan London. We have been commissioned by Ealing Safe parenting service since 2011 for group parenting programmes in Ealing in different langauges to different communities and work on cases all over London.

“I would like to thank you and your team for all your hard work and delivery of the positive parenting programmes with regards to delivering specific positive parenting programmes for parents. It has been amazing to see the attendance and how the community groups have engaged really well with parents, as you can deliver in many other languages and also by delivering the Islamic values really capture what is needed for parents to commit to groups that understand their culture and beliefs. I have really valued our partnership over the last few years. I really do appreciate the hard work and effort that you put in to make the workshops beneficial for children parents and their families. This has enabled us to reach our target of receiving 200+ referrals into the service this year alone.”

(Ealing Parenting Commissioner, Kate Subanney (November 2014)

All programmes we deliver are evidence-based research. They are user-friendly and practical and extremely popular with parents. The courses are informal and interactive, making good use of visual content, group discussion and practical activities

Family Links Generic Nurturing programme

What does it cover ?

Over the 10-week  programme, you will look
at lots of different topics , including


Why children behave as they do


The feelings behind behavior (ours and theirs)


Different approaches to discipline


Ways to develop co-operation and self-discipline in children


The importance of looking after ourselves

Family Links Nurturing programme in different languages

A specialist targeted group for language speaking parents.over 11 weeks for 2  hours  The family links provides relevant information and resources that are available in different languages.


Family Links with Islamic values for Women /Couple

The Nurturing Programme is a structured 11

week programme for 2 and half hours a week

promoting emotional health, relationship skills and positive behaviour

management strategies. This specialist programme is delivered to the Muslim parents/carers. It relates the content to Islamic Values. It will include the use of the Islamic Values and the Parenting Puzzle

book, bringing together Islamic religious teaching. The course draws on extracts from the Quran and sayings (hadiths) to demonstrate how Islamic religious values

complement the Parenting Puzzle.

Muslim Fathers programme

All fathers experience some ‘gender role strain’ – i.e. disjuncture between their culture’s definition of ‘good masculinity/fatherhood’ and their social performance as men and fathers. For Muslim fathers, loss of ‘respect’ and ‘authority’ is a recurring theme in parenting, combined with difficulty in communicating with children who increasingly hold differing cultural norms, The family links with Islamic values explores the role of fathers in Islam and parenting.

Family Links for Children with Special Needs and Tailored workshops

Other workshops



Learning difficulties and Sensory processing can be offered as a 2-hour workshop for 4 -6 weeks

For parents who have children with additional needs. Facilitators who run the programme are trained SEN teachers and assistants who have knowledge and experience of working with children with disabilities. The programme helps parents to understand and support their child/ren who have a wide variety of needs which includes ADHD.ASD autistic spectrum disorders, physical and learning disabilities

A 2-hour programme offered over 11 weeks

 8.Talking teens

In different languages Urdu, Punjabi, Arabic, Somali and Hindi

A short programme for parents / carers of teenagers which helps parents and carers to understand teenage behaviour and development. Recent research in brain development helps parents to understand the challenges they face and develop a positive parenting attitude and style.

Parents and carers will be supported

  • To improve communications
  • Handle difficult issues
  • Put rules and boundaries in place
  • Respond positively
  • Resolve conflicts and problems

A 2 hour workshop offered over 7 weeks

Talking Teens Generic

A short programme for parents / carers of teenagers which helps parents and carers to understand teenage behaviour and development. Recent research in brain development helps parents to understand the challenges they face and develop a positive parenting attitude and style.

Parents and carers will be supported

  • To improve communications
  • Handle difficult issues
  • Put rules and boundaries in place
  • Respond positively
  • Resolve conflicts and problems

A 2 hour workshop offered over 7 weeks

Other programmes and workshops we offer ?

We can create any topics suited to your service level needs

Our most Popular ONES ARE !

  • Therapeutic parenting
  • Empathy
  • Parenting styles
  • Building communication with my teenager
  • All about sex
  • Managing boundaries and discipline
  • Family rules, guidelines, and agreements

What is the progamme about?

During this course we talk a lot about our communities and our families, We discuss the best ways to raise happy healthy, well rounded children and keep our families and communities safe.
The course explores the relationship between violence in our communities and violence amongst individuals and looks at ways to promote non-violent healthy lifestyles. The course helps us to consider our cultural heritage, our beliefs with A 8 week programme of two hour sessions . A group based approach to prevention & early
intervention to support emotional & mental wellbeing in pregnancy & beyond
We will look at the optimum environment for healthy foetal development, emotionally, physically &
mentally . Bonding, attachment, attunement, empathy and reflective relationship between parents and
baby in utero and beyond .Couple relationship skills for transition to parenthood.

Bespoke programmes around Violence and Abuse

We cover topics on a wide range of issues within communities such as violence -abuse based upon Islam, gender violence and male privileges Post parenting abuse Understanding Trauma, Forced marriage, FGM (CSE)Child sexual exploitation honour based violence, domestic violence, safeguarding, effects of violence on children’s emotional –well-being and the cultural and religious perspective  of raising children in the UK . A 2-hour workshop offered over 4 weeks or longer depending on your requirements and topics Freedom programme and other support for women


Who is it for?

This series of five workshops will help dads and male care givers of any age child, develop the relationship with their child whether they’re parenting as a couple, single parent or an ‘away’ dad. The aim is to help dads share their feelings and experiences and come up with solutions to their problems on the basis of what works for them.

What does it cover?

Dads look at how they can improve their understanding on how to meet their child’s needs, including learning and development.

Parenting post abuse

 Post domestic abuse parents often find themselves struggling with not only the trauma of having lived with the abuse but their children’s complex behaviours and needs. This course will explore the impacts of abuse on parenting, children, and the parent-child relationship. Using the latest neuroscience research as well as relevant counselling, parenting and trauma informed research. You will learn how trauma affects brain development and that trauma experienced by children and young people has an impact on their behaviour,  educational and social relationships Our brains aren’t fully formed until around the age of 25, so there are plenty of Lifelong well-being is influenced by our earliest experiences and what happens in the first few years of our life which has a long-term effect on our brain. Opportunities to help young people develop the skills they need and overcome the impact of stress.

Islamic perspective

We explore the Islamic perspective on issues and look at power and control and force which is considered unacceptable in Islam. Direct quotes from Islamic values helps families to explore their own beliefs and values which is usually based upon culture not Islam .In addition the programme topics address punitive methods, the effects of anger and kinds of touch that is hurtful and leaves physical and emotional impact on a child’s life .Families also have an opportunity to explore the safeguarding law in the UK which is the same as Islam , address what honour based violence is and the effects on young person long term. families there worries are common of any parent and they worry about losing the safety and control

Teenage programmes

They are confused by new emotions and new experiences they face with young people .The programme helps them to step back ,and think about what transition means for their teenager ,it may help to understand some of the puzzling behaviour and experiences they have been through . There is very rapid brain development during adolescence, and the major change that occurs will affect behaviour and once they realise the changes, we will begin to see changes in their relationship. Parents will also learn how to create a balance between own beliefs and that of the young teenager growing up in the UK.

Counselling –Family Therapy

What is this about

What do we offer?

Who to contact?

Counselling –Family Therapy

What is this about

What do we offer?

Who to contact?

e communication. The workshops also look at setting and maintaining boundaries along with effective ways to help manage their child’s behaviour. There’s also time for dads to think about how their role might change as their child grows and ways to build healthy relationships with the wider family.

Session titles:

What are dads for?

Dad – the manager

Dad – the coach

Dad – the trainer

Dad – the team player

Partnership with parents

We receive many referrals from a wide range of services and organizations. We deal with complex cases and work in partnership with services to draw up plans to work in the best interest of the family and child. Families come from all walks of life, and struggle with parenting due to many reasons, experiences, trauma ,mental health and events from early childhood .Our service provides a non-judgmental approach to every parent /career, young person and  child/ren  we work with Sometimes parents may not be ready to become a parent, unable to cope with the  stress, parents may have also experienced mental health difficulties as a result ,they may turn to drugs or alcohol  which in turn can have a very negative effect on children.

Almost all  parents are afraid of seeking help for their problems because of fear of what will happen to their children., but the risk to a child  from untreated parental mental health issues ,drug or alcohol misuses or violence is to great to be afraid of getting help.

Professionals on our team continue to be trained to support parents to make changes and together parents and professionals work to ensure children grow up in a healthy and safe environment through the many services and support we offer .

Our parents can have

  • No formal education
  • Young and elderly parents
  • Asylum seekers and Refugee Newly arrivals in the UK ,
  • No recourse to public funds,
  • Low self-esteem and lack of confidence
  • Isolated and vulnerable due to cultural or language barrier
  • Educated professionals going through crisis
  • Divorced ,single ,separated or fled domestic violence
  • Criminal proceedings and custodyof child
  • Child protection plan, children in need or court orde

Munaza has been a foster carer with Foster Care Link since 2007. In this time she has managed a number of placements and has always provided excellent care. She is proactive and diligent in her attitude to fostering and is serious about her commitment to training and development. She is a highly skilled foster carer and an asset to our organisation “.Foster Care Link ,Director, Ismail Amaan (July 2015)

Family Support 

Sometimes, the relationships between all family members can become stressful for various reasons and everyone may struggle and find it hard to get along. Conflict in relationships and families is normal. What is important is how conflict is dealt with, and sometimes people need help to work out how to deal with conflict and build healthy relationships .Our goal is to support families make a difference and we believe the best way is to build and strengthen relationships is through early intervention and provide resources to supportvulnerable families

Parenting and child coaching

We help families build resilience by creating goals and a positive mindset to reach their destinations by educating them .Sometimes they may needs extra support and we have parent coaches who can  help parents create a healthy, happy and balanced family life for themselves and their children. A parent coach can work with you to identify the strengths in your family. They will help you develop a plan to address any challenges you are facing and will work with you to identify what you want to achieve from your sessions. They will listen to you and support you, offering guidance to help you reach your goals and overcome any obstacles that may be in your way.

Building resilience


We feel that the parents grew in confidence and self-belief after attending the Family Links parenting programme. Parents were more able and willing to communicate with staff and discuss issues regarding their child. Parenting programmes offer so much to the whole school community and we see the great need in our school so hope to continue this valuable work”
Clifton Primary School, Pastoral Lead, Emma Coutts (April 2015)

We are glad we can offer a parenting programme to our parents at the school in different languages Urdu and Punjabi … the parents have been giving us positive feedback and how they are enjoying the programme”
Clifton Primary School Deputy Head teacher Miss Laura Corrigan

Thank you for the support you and ParentingU Ltd have had on Stanhope Primary School. You have helped us to grow our wonderful pastoral support worker. You have contributed enormously through various parenting programmes which have resulted in our parents being far better equipped to bring their children up in challenging times and resulted in fewer issues of challenging behaviour in school. We have really valued and appreciated your professionalism and support. Thank you once again”
Mr D
McLeod Head teacher of Stanhope Primary School, Mansell, Road, Greenford“2015

“You have made a huge difference to the parents at Stanburn primary school. Ofsted inspectors were very impressed with the materials you used to deliver and engage parents onto the programme. You have empowered many parents and we have heard many positive things about the programme. Ofsted commented in the inspection report,” The partnership with parents is strong, and they are very happy with the school’s approach to working with them. They are involved in their children’s assessments and attend workshops to find out how they can best support their children
Headteacher Mrs C Lansdown at Stanburn primary school

I Need help with a case ?

We will be in contact within 7-14 days and sends welcome pack: referral ,costing and leaflet .Meanwhile if you have any further questions, please leave a message below.

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I want to attend a parenting course and Sign up !

  1. Pick up the phone and talk to us.
  2. Find out what courses and programmes we are running in London or online
  3. Its easy to register online we will send you all the details about the programme and a link to register your interest
  4. Ring katie

I WANT TO Commission a programme?

If you would like to set up a group programme  at your school or service ,please contact us to arrange a free consultation meeting.

On 0208,930,1081

Rimng Munaza


Call 07813607006


I want to make a referral for commissioned work ?

Email us and request for ourreferral  form

We will give you a call in 3 working days to have a chat about the referral or work

Ring Munaza

I can’t find what I’m looking for

Leave us a message on 0781360 7006

We will get back to you -we are always ready to hear how you have found our services by emailing

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