Who is it for?

The programme is open to all parents who have a child/ren from 2-12 years old it runs for 11 weeks. It also includes an introductory session and be accessed via group, or virtual online

What does it cover?

The Nurturing Programme is a structured 10-week programme for 2 hours a week promoting emotional health, relationship skills and positive behaviour management strategies. This specialist programme is available in different languages.

Session topics

  • Understanding why
    behave as they do.
  • Finding ways to develop co-opera­tion and self-discipline in children.
  • Recognising the feelings
    behind behaviour
  • Learning the importance of looking
  • Exploring different
    approaches to discipline.
  • The course draws on extracts from the Quran and sayings (hadiths) to demonstrate how Islamic religious values complement the Parenting Puzzle.

The course has made a big difference to me in that it has raised my awareness of how-to parent effectively in relation to Islam It has also taught me the importance of our wellbeing and the effects this has on my loved ones around me.

Book Parent Programmes

Contact our parent team to discuss.
