Family Links Nurturing programme in different languages
A specialist targeted group for language speaking parents.over 11 weeks for 2 hours The family links provides relevant information and resources that are available in different languages.
Family Links for Children with Special Needs and Tailored workshops
Other workshops
Learning difficulties and Sensory processing can be offered as a 2-hour workshop for 4 -6 weeks
For parents who have children with additional needs. Facilitators who run the programme are trained SEN teachers and assistants who have knowledge and experience of working with children with disabilities. The programme helps parents to understand and support their child/ren who have a wide variety of needs which includes ADHD.ASD autistic spectrum disorders, physical and learning disabilities
A 2-hour programme offered over 11 weeks
8.Talking teens
In different languages Urdu, Punjabi, Arabic, Somali and Hindi
A short programme for parents / carers of teenagers which helps parents and carers to understand teenage behaviour and development. Recent research in brain development helps parents to understand the challenges they face and develop a positive parenting attitude and style.
Parents and carers will be supported
- To improve communications
- Handle difficult issues
- Put rules and boundaries in place
- Respond positively
- Resolve conflicts and problems
A 2 hour workshop offered over 7 weeks