Secure platform to send referrals or upload and automated reply Thanyou for your interest in PU services we will be in contact within 7-14 days and sends welcome pack : referral ,costing and leaflet .Meanwhile if you have any further questions, please login into your portal and leave a message .?
Our mission is to provide support to all families with young children and teenagers, in particular communities who underrepresented due to barriers with English as an Additional Language (EAL), Special Educational Needs(SEN), Mental health and offer best parenting practices. We understand the cultural barriers of engagement and building relationships with services and service users is very important to us
We work to empower families and improve family lives. Ensuring all have the opportunity to participate in and influence the issues affecting their societies. … We are not afraid to take risks on new ideas or ways of working to enable bring about. change in family life
All of our work with families and young people is underpinned by our five core values: